Solana's Best NFT lending aggregator

Lend and Borrow better with Wolf Capital








All lending stats in one place

At Wolf Capital, we offer a distinct way of managing the lending ecosystem by presenting all lending statistics in one place. With our user-friendly interface, you can quickly access and analyze crucial data, helping you identify the most relevant statistics for your needs and gain valuable insights.

Interest Rates

Find the best rates across the market

Deciding where to deploy your capital should be a painless experience. Our platform enables you to effortlessly compare metrics that have been normalized across all platforms, giving you the assurance that you're comparing equivalent values.


Tracking the latest and upcoming liquidations

Monitoring upcoming liquidations in real-time is crucial for anticipating potential downward pressure on collections. Traders and lenders need to prepare themselves for unexpected price movements in over-leveraged situations. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your lending and investment strategies while managing your risk.


Track your lends & borrows

With our platform, you can easily track your loans and borrows across all supported platforms. Your profile provides you with a comprehensive view of all your active loans and offers, allowing you to efficiently manage idle liquidity across multiple accounts. Never forget your loans or offers again!

Hold Wolf Capital NFTs.
Pay no lending fees.

Hold 3 Wolf Capital NFT’s and pay 0% lending fees

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees?

Wolf Capitals Lending aggregator has a set fee for lending and borrowing. Our fee is .02 SOL.

Who can I contact for support?

If you need assistance, you can reach us in the Wolf Capital Discord by opening a ticket!

Are you a lending protocol?

No we are not a lending protocol! We simply aggregate the information and streamline the experience for each user within the lending ecosystem.

Where can I buy a Wolf Capital NFT?

You can purchase a Wolf Capital NFT with our official secondary marketplace Tensor.Trade after our mint.

What blockchain is Wolf Capital on?

We are on the Solana Blockchain. Our NFT's will remain on Solana but we will expand our product multi chain in the near future!